

Sunekos is an injectable treatment containing a patented formula of amino acids and Hyaluronic acid.  It regenerates the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM) by stimulating the fibroblasts in the skin to produce a complete mix of collagen and elastin. 

Sunekos is a great option for patients who want to maintain a more natural, fresh look. Sunekos is an extremely versatile product and can be used on the face, neck, décolleté, hands, arms, inner thighs, knees and the under eye area. 

It can be used to treat a variety of indications such as loss of tone, skin ageing and premature skin ageing, dryness, solar elastosis, acne, sun damage, dark circles under the eye, fine lines and wrinkles. A combination of amino acids and Hyaluronic acid can be used to target sagging skin and severe wrinkles. 


+ What does the treatment involve?

Before your treatment begins, we will discuss your aims and objectives, explain the various therapeutic options, and will determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Prior to treatment the area is marked and cleaned and a topical numbing cream is applied. The treatment generally takes 15-20 minutes and involves the injection of small volumes of fluid into the target areas using a very fine needle.The procedure is usually painless due applying an ice pack or numbing cream to the area before injecting.

The Sunekos protocol requires 4 treatments, 7-10 days apart however, it is common to see improvements after the first session.

+ How long does the treatment last?

Depending on the condition of the client's skin, the results of Sunekos are visible for up to 6-9 months before a maintenance/booster treatment is required. Clients can choose to do a full cycle (4 treatments) of Sunekos every 6 months or have a booster (2 treatments) every 3-4 months.

+ What happens after my treatment?

Following treatment with Sunekos normal activities can be resumed. There may be some redness, swelling or bruising around the injection site. This is normal and will subside, usually within a few days. There are some general precautions that should be taken to reduce the risks of side effects and to obtain the best possible results:

Schedule your next appointment

Do not rub/massage the area for a minimum of 6 hours

Avoid wearing makeup for a minimum of 6 hours

Avoid extreme temperatures (hot or cold) for a minimum of 7 days after treatment (saunas, steam rooms, sun beds or direct sun exposure).

Apply SPF30+ sunscreen

Avoid swimming for 48 hours

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours

Stay hydrated

+ Are there risks involved with Sunekos?

Sunekos is very low risk. Aside from the initial down time with possible swelling, bruising and redness there are possible rarer complications as with any injectable treatment such as infection.

Sunekos cannot be given to people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have severe allergies marked by a history of anaphylaxis or with a history of compromised immune system. We will discuss all risks and contraindications prior to performing any procedure.